Highton Podiatrist explains ‘What is a Morton’s Neuroma?’

Highton Podiatrist, Marney Cowell, explains what a Morton’s Neuroma is and how a Podiatrist can help relieve your pain. 

What is a Morton’s Neuroma?

A Morton’s neuroma is a thickening of the nerve running between the long bones of your foot. This is caused by the compression and irritation of the nerve running between your toes. Commonly caused by ill fitting footwear or other deformities of the foot. 

Signs and Symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma

  • Numbness or Tingling 
  • Burning sensation
  • Pain between the toes 
  • Feel like you are walking on a ‘stone’

How do you diagnose a Morton’s Neuroma?

As a Podiatrist we will take a thorough history of the foot pain to aid in determining our diagnosis. 

We will complete a physical assessment where we will aim to locate the site of pain and replicate the symptoms to help with our diagnosis.

We can also get imagery completed to help confirm our diagnosis such as ultrasounds or MRI.

How do you treat a Morton’s Neuroma?

Once we have determined the diagnosis we will look into why/ how you developed this condition as it is important to treat. 

  • Footwear/ Modifications 
  • Offloading
  • Orthotics 
  • Ice
  • Exercises 
  • Medications 

If we are still not getting the desired outcome we can refer you to a specialist to look at other treatment options such as injection techniques. 

In some rare causes surgery may be required but not before all other treatment options are exhausted. 

If you have any more questions about neuroma please feel free to get in contact or use the link below to book an appointment.

Marney Cowell
