What are the most common foot problems in pregancy? Our Highton Podiatrist takes a look

At our Highton Poodiatry clinic we have helping expecting and new Mothers from around Geelong with pregnancy related foot problems. Our Podiatrist Marney answers some common questions and unpacks some recent presentations that we’ve had in the clinic.

What changes can I expect with my feet during pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes many changes to virtually all body systems and our feet are no exception. Thankfully no foot issues are dangerous for your baby but having sore feet can be a burden when you’re potentially already feeling uncomfortable. 

What can I do to reduce the likelihood of foot trouble during and post my pregnancy?

Having an understanding about your own body and injury history is a great place to start. There is likely some preventative work you could be doing at home depending on your history. Talking to your Podiatrist is ideal to formulate a plan here. If you’re injury free and looking purely at a preventative strategy wearing footwear that is well fitted, comfortable and supportive should help reduce the risk of quite a few problems.

Foot pain 

During pregnancy you will have an increase in the hormone relaxin, the role of relaxin in pregnancy is to loosen the connective tissue in order for your body to change, grow and give birth. However, these changes do not only occur around your pelvis but happen in your feet as well. You may notice that your feet become flatter, bigger or more mobile. Combining these changes with a growing baby, it can be a strain on your feet and you may start to experience foot pain. 

To help manage this we suggest using well cushioned and supportive footwear to keep your foot in its best position. We also suggest trying to avoid going barefoot! In resistant or particularly painful cases the use of a custom foot orthotic may be indicated to control the pressure across your foot. 


A corn or a heloma dura is a small skin lesion caused by increased pressure and friction in a pin point area. Commonly they present under the ‘balls’ of the feet (metatarsal heads) or between the toes, it can feel like there is a stone in your shoes. With the increasing weight of your baby, changes to your walking pattern or wearing different footwear,  you may experience corns developing on the bottom of your feet or between your toes. 

Luckily there’s a very simple solution for treating corns. We can painlessly remove them via use of a scalpel and then recommend well cushioned shoes with padding around the corn site.

Swollen Legs 

Swelling in your feet and lower legs is a very common part of pregnancy and is usually more prevalent in the later stages of pregnancy as your baby takes up more and more space. Your baby is actually reducing the natural blood flow around the body by putting extra pressure on blood vessels. 

There are a few things that you can be doing during the pregnancy to help reduce the swelling. Keep active, avoid long periods of sitting and standing, elevate your legs when you can. This will all help the natural flow of your body and minimise the effect of swollen legs/ feet. 

If you have any more questions or would like to talk more about your pregnancy and feet please feel free to get in contact via email, book online or call us on 5290 5238.

Marney Cowell

