How to fix Shin Splints? Colac Podiatrist, explains – Part 1

In this blog our Colac Podiatrist talks about Shin Splints and what causes them.  

Shin splints is an umbrella term which captures a range of different diagnoses that cause shin pain. If you’re reading this article because you’re currently suffering with shin pain a consultation with a trained Podiatrist is a must! 

In this blog we will concentrate on shin pain affecting the inside lower third of the shin, commonly referred to as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS for short). This is the most common form of shin pain to present to our clinic. 

How does it present? 

The injury itself usually begins as soreness along the inside of the lower part of the shin. It will typically be there at the beginning of exercise, then dissipate once warmed up. As the condition worsens it will likely be there for the duration of your exercise and remain after exercise is complete as a dull ache. 

It usually coincides with an increase in running/training and overall time spent standing. This could be different for everyone when you consider varying fitness levels, training surfaces, footwear and previous injury history.

Why does it happen? 

MTSS is considered an overuse injury, so there is usually a training load discussion that needs to be considered. There are however many other factors that need to be assessed including calf strength, ankle joint range of motion, running/walking technique, footwear choices and the rate of foot pronation. 

How do you fix it? 

Once we have figured out which factors are important in your case we create a plan that is individual to you! 

Some options may include;

  • Activity changes (like swapping running for cycling)
  • Footwear changes 
  • Foot orthotics 
  • Leg strengthening exercises
  • Flexibility exercises 
  • Manual therapy to help symptoms settle (Like dry needling and ankle mobilisation) 
  • Referral to other healthcare practitioners for more help! 

Like always early intervention is the best way forwards so if you are having issues get in contact with us today!